January 6, 2009 BOD MEETING
Central Connecticut Region AACA
Fox Laminating, West Hartford
Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by President Ray Yirga
Secretary’s Report was read and accepted
Treasurer’s Report was read and accepted
Fred provided a list of members who have not renewed their membership. They will be contacted, as a last reminder. We welcome Jerry Olson as a new member.
Our Email project is coming along. Soon you will not be getting a hard copy of the newsletter, if you have an email address. All of the information in the newsletter will be on our web site, at a later point in time we will archive everything. You will be able to pull down articles and photos.
The 4C’s has contacted all member clubs, and is looking for and addition contribution to help with the efforts to have a full time watchdog, “lobbyist” person on Capital Ave in Hartford looking out for our interest. The BOD voted to contribute $100 to the cause. Many towns are starting to look at what you own in relation to antique, vintage, classic, old, custom, street rod, etc. They are looking for more sources of revenue income. And you are a target. Remember, your car has to be only 20 years old to have “Early American” plates. So a 1989 vehicle can have the plates.
Our regular monthly meeting will be at the New England Air museum on the 17th at 10:00 AM. Our February meeting will be at Capital Transmission.
Look in the newsletter, and our web site for the latest updates to meetings.
The show committee will meet tomorrow at Ray’s house for the first meeting. Our Car show will be June 14th.
Nick Nesci had some photos of a Model “A” tour he was on that went to 30 Rock in midtown Manhattan, right next to Radio City.
Our web site address is as follows: cenconnaaca.org
Meeting adjourned at 7:35PM
Paul Bosco Secretary