February 12, 2009 BOD MEETING

Central Connecticut Region AACA

Capital Transmission West Hartford

(Note: The February 3rd meeting was cancelled due to snow)

Meeting called to order at 6:30 PM by President Ray Yirga

Secretary’s Report was not read

Treasurer’s Report was not read



Ray reported that the banquet is just around the corner and reservations should be made ASAP. Dave Brooks will handle the raffle gifts for the guys this year. Joanie Yirga will handle them for the gals.


Membership is slow coming in this year. Those who have not renewed will be contacted by email, or by phone or word of mouth. At this late date Fred Glabau will no longer take your national dues. It is up to each member to due that himself.


We have to report the membership to the national by March 1st. This is required of all regions. By getting in your dues early, our club can meet the requirements of AACA and our new roster can be out sooner.


Nick Nesci will help out with the ad book. Forms will be out soon. You will be able to pick them up at a meeting or find them on our web site. This is the first year that we have an early commitment from the site owners for the car show. It will be June 14th, with a rain date of the 28th. Our Insurance is all set; Travis Cook will need help setting up the signs at the show.


Down the road we might have a garage tour at Richard Johnston’s in Simsbury on the 4th or 25th of April. Look for more information at our web site, or news letter. The club is looking into having a meeting at a large car collection in Simsbury. We are only in the formative stage of looking into this. If we can put it together we will let the membership know. Maybe next year we could have a meeting or tour to the testing site in Colchester of Consumer Results; this is the old Connecticut Dragway.

Our web site address is as follows:   cenconnaaca.org


Meeting adjourned at 7:35PM

Paul Bosco Secretary