April 14, 2009 BOD MEETING
Central Connecticut Region AACA
Fox Laminating
Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM by President Ray Yirga
Secretary’s Report was read and accepted
Treasurer’s Report was read and accepted
As of this date we have 72 paid up members. AACA is questioning the validity of a few names on our master list. We will work on this to clear it up.
We approved the go ahead with an ad in the Bargain news. Steve Mackinnon will take care of that. This year we are going to try and have a questionier for all show participants and walk-ins.
Lou Maglaty reported that the food vendor will have an expanded menu this year. Not just your hamburgers and hot dogs. Try the Italian sausage. All the vendors we had last year have been sent information packets.
All show participants for the last three years have been sent a flyer. Everyone should get the word out that Jim McPherson; the “Car Doctor” on WTIC will be at the show from 10:00-12:00.
At this time we are not selling as many ads as we have in the past. The poor economy is cutting into our sales. Everyone has to keep trying. All the services that we need to contact for the show have been contacted.
At our banquet, flyers will be available. Everyone is encouraged to pass them out at shops and shows. At the June BOD meeting we will be stuffing envelops. All board members are expected to attend. Our dash plaque this year will be purple!
Meeting adjourned at 7:52PM
Paul Bosco Secretary