May 5, 2009 BOD MEETING

Central Connecticut Region AACA

Fox Laminating

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by President Ray Yirga

Secretary’s Report was read and accepted

Treasurer’s Report was read and accepted


The Saturday meeting is all set. The club will provide refreshments. If you are interested the Golden age of Trucking Museum in Oxford is just down the road. You might want to stop by after the meeting.

The club is trying to set up a meeting at the Trolley Museum in East Windsor. More information will follow on this when it gets materialized.

The club will not have a BOD meeting in June. We will be stuffing envelopes at the June meeting on the 11th at Fox Laminating.

Ads for are book are coming in slow this year. All members are encouraged to help in this matter. All our advertisings is pretty much set. Please distribute our flyers if you can.

Remember all members are needed at our show on the 14th. Bring your wife and your girlfriend. (That should be fun). We need people to judge cars. This year in addition to the tickets that we hand out to the car owners at our show we will have colored stickers in the meet book that people can claim prizes with. This is to encourage people to LOOK at the meet book.


Duncaster is celebrating their 25th anniversary May 16th at 11:00 AM. Memorial Day is parades are coming up. The 23rd in Newington, and the 25th in West Hartford.

Meeting adjourned at 7:52PM

Paul Bosco Secretary