June 2, 2009 BOD MEETING

Central Connecticut Region AACA

Fox Laminating

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by President Ray Yirga

Secretary’s Report was read and accepted

Treasurer’s Report was read and accepted


The first item that was brought up is to remind everyone that we do not have a BOD or regular meeting in July.

Our car and truck show is all set, as far as getting everything ready. All members are encouraged to show up on Sunday June 14th.We are having an article in the local Glastonbury Press. Keep your eyes open for that. Nick Nesci will be interviewed on the Brad Davis show at 7:30 in the morning about our show in Glastonbury. We are going to try and conduct a survey at our show for participants. We are always looking for feedback to improve the show.

We are looking for three meeting sites for the winter. Maybe we could go to Bundy Motors in February? We will look into that. One item that came up is that we should encourage car pooling to our meeting sites. This makes a lot of sense. Members should work this out among themselves.

Meeting adjourned at 7:35PM (Time to stuff envelopes)

Paul Bosco Secretary