Secretary's Report
August 4, 2009 BOD MEETING
Central Connecticut Region AACA
Fox Laminating
Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM by President Ray Yirga
Secretary’s Report was read and accepted
Treasurer’s Report was read and accepted
Our President welcomed everyone back after our one month vacation. The Board critiqued the meet we had in June. Some of the areas that we should try and make improvements are as follows.
Classes must again be changed a little to reflect the cars are that show up.
We must inform the owners that they do NOT have to have your car judged. If they want to that’s great, but it is not mandatory.
Advertising is a key issue. We will take a hard look at where we get the most for our money.
It was brought up that we should publish our ad book on our web site. It was agreed that
This was a good idea, but it will take time, and effort by someone to do this.
The club did purchase one new table for use at the meet.
Our next meeting will be at Nesci’s Factory store in East Hampton on then 13th. Directions are on the web. We will also have a garage tour on the 22nd in Suffield to view
Mike Laureno’s car collection . Club will provide coffee and doughnuts.
We are in the planning stages for setting up meetings for the next few months. Information will be in the newsletter and on our web site.
Carl Earn will be reviewing the charities that we will give to this year. He should have a list ready in September.
The Klingburg show in October will have for a theme, Cars made in Connecticut.
We may participate in the Fall Festival in Glastonbury. This would be good PR form the club.
Meeting adjourned at 7:35PM
Paul Bosco Secretary