November 4, 2009 BOD MEETING

Central Connecticut Region AACA

 Treasurer’s Report:  Fred provided a combined report of revenue and expenses for September and October; there were no questions on the report.  It was also noted that six of the ten entities CCR AACA made donations to with proceeds from the June show acknowledged our donations via letter.  A suggestion was made to run these acknowledgements in future ad books which may make it easier to sell advertisements in future shows.

Renewal Notices and Banquet Notices:  Ray volunteered to handle the renewal notices to membership.  Spring banquet notices will be addressed as we get closer to the banquet.

Upcoming Meetings: The following meetings have tentatively been scheduled 

November 14:  Blackhorse Garage Open House (Bridgeport)

December:  Annual elections meeting, Elks Club, Hartford 

January:  Enfield Auto Restoration

February:  Lentieri Communications

March:  R&L Model A; Nick and Steve will present on some aspect of basic maintenance or troubleshooting with a Model A, timing & tune up, etc.

April:  Annual Spring Banquet; we need a speaker for this and it was suggested that Mark Johnson of the Klingberg Family Center be contacted.  Mark is an avid enthusiast who has conducted extensive research on CT built automobiles.  George will reach out to him to see if he might be interested in speaking to our membership in April.

May:  Calloway Corvettes

June: Annual CCR AACA Glastonbury Auto Show  

July:  off

August:  New England Chrome East Hartford

September: Open

October: Hershey is October 6 – 9 this year.

November: Open

Alternatives: Vintage Motorcars in Westbrook

 Annual CCR AACA Auto Show:  Some discussion was held around the show; we have a tentative date of June 13 with a rain date of June 27 for the 2010 show.  This should work out well as the Four-Cs show is 6/6, and the Klingberg show traditionally held in October has been moved to June 19 (rain date June 20) this year.

Volunteers:  The subject of volunteers for both the show and other tasks came up, and membership will be asked if there are ways they can support the club in the upcoming year.

Newsletter:  Travis raised the concern that several members have not been receiving the newsletter.  While most members use the website, Ray agreed to follow up in the short term to ensure those who prefer a hardcopy newsletter receive one, and Ray will also look for volunteers to ensure the newsletter gets out to those who need it.