December 1, 2009 BOD MEETING
Central Connecticut Region AACA
Meeting Called to order at 7:00 PM
Fox Laminating,West Hartford
Secretary’s report was read and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report was read and accepted.
It was voted on to continue our support of the efforts of the 4 C's.We will pay our yearly dues to them.
We will also give a donation in the form of a gift certificate to the owner of the bucket truck that we use
at our show in June.
As always,wewill publish the names of charities thatwe contribute to each year. The listwill be in
the newsletter on line, and a hard copy to those who will get it in the mail
The board is looking for ideas on how we can get the next generation interested in antique autos. Anyone
who has an idea please let us know. We are always looking for fresh ideas to improve the club. The
meeting at Black Horse was a big success. Everyone who attended the weekend event had a good time.
The Board discussed differentways we could freshen up our show in June.One of themmay be setting up
the vendors among the show cars.We might have a model car show for kids. One idea was to have a
featured marque for the show. These are some ideas that we threw around. All members input is
December 10thwe will have a pizza party at the Elks in Hartford at 7:00PM. At that time the
nominating committee will present the names of potential officers for next year. If no additions come
fromthe floor the secretary will cast one vote for the slate.
OurMarch regular meeting is scheduled for Red Leiner'sModel A shop in Berlin, Connecticut.More
info will be published in the news letter. Right now April 17th looks like the date for our annual
Banquet at Angelico's in New Britain.We will publish an order formfor the meal.When it is published
get it back to Fred Glabau as soon as possible. If you wait till after the cutoff date, you will pay double
for a meal.
The club has purchased some scaffolding a few years ago to use at the show in June.We need to
purchase platforms, and it needs to be painted or powder coated. This is a project that we should address
before the show. If the bucket truck cannot make it we will need the scaffolding as a backup. Maybe we
can clean it up this winter as a group project.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00PM
Paul Bosco, Secretary