December 17, 2008 Regular Meeting

Central Connecticut Region AACA

New England Air Museum, Windsor Locks

Meeting called to order at 10:00 AM by President Yirga.

Secretary’s report was not read to expedite the meeting.

Treasurer’s report was not read to expedite the meeting.


Ray welcomed everyone to the Air Museum and explained that we will be touring four buildings.

If you would like to order a shirt and or hat, you should contact Joel Pear at our next

meeting. Shirts are $25.00, and hats are $9.00 or $10.00 according to Ray. Joel can be reached at (860) 345-8423. All items have to be pre paid before the order goes in.

Our next meeting in February will be at Capital transmission in West Hartford.

Look to your newsletter, and at our website for the rest of our calendar.

The May meeting at the Race car shop has been cancelled. Look for a replacement in the newsletter. June is our cars how in Glastonbury, every member should participate. This is

our one and only fund raiser of the year. This is how we get money to run the club during the year. July we will have no meetings.


Dues are due NOW. Get them into Fred ASAP.

Our web site

Meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm

Paul Bosco Secretary CCRAACA