Past Events Archive for 2009
1/17/09 – New England Air Museum, 36 Perimeter Rd., Bradley Intl. Airport, Windsor Locks, CT. Saturday, at 10 AM. NEAM is the largest air museum in the northeast. After a brief meeting, we will receive a guided tour. 860-623-3305 or contact Ray Yirga
2/12/09 - Capitol Transmission, Hartford, CT. They repairs and rebuilds transmissions. Contact George Scheyd.
3/7/09 – Golden Age of Trucking, Middlebury, CT. Saturday Seminar, 11AM-3PM. Not CCR sponsored.
3/12/09 - Corvette Center, Newington, CT. Ray Zisa will give us a tour of his shop. He has many interesting projects currently. Contact Ray Yirga.
4/4/09 – Golden age of Trucking, Middlebury, CT. Saturday Seminar, 11AM-3PM. Nor CCR sponsored.
4/4/09 – Tour to Maple Corner Farm, Granville, MA. John Bieback, leader. 4/5/09 rain date.
4/18/09–Annual Banquet at Angelico’s, New Britain, CT. Good food, guest speaker and door prizes. G Scheyd
4/25/09 – Garage Tour at Richard Johnston’s, to view his collection of RR, etc. 9 AM. Ray Yirga.
5/09/09 – Dumos Desire Racing, Oxford, CT. Midget race cars, plus possible visit to racing bobsled shop.
6/7/09 – 4Cs Car Show, NEAM, Windsor Locks, CT. Cars and Airplanes. Not CCR sponsored.
6/3/09- Club is invited to EAA chapter 324 picnic at Simsbury Airport, 6 PM. Meet behind Sal’s hanger.
6/14/09 (6/28/09 rain date)- CCR-AACA Car Show & Pizza Party. Our annual car show and fund raiser. We need much participation on the day of the show. Please volunteer. B Hand, S Mackinnon, & R Yirga.
7/9/2009 – No meeting. Summer break.
8/13/2009- Nesci’s Factory Store, East Hampton, CT. Nick’s cousin will give us a tour of his store and give us a welding demonstration. Nick Nesci.
8/22/09 – Garage Tour-Mike Laureno’s, 9 AM, 61 Fflyer Place, Suffield, CT. Mike Laureno & Ray Yirga
9/12/2009- Ct. Trolley Museum (plus fire engines & buses), 58 North Rd, E Windsor, CT. 10 AM Ray Yirga
9/20/2009 – Simsbury Fly-In, Simsbury Airport, many antique cars and airplanes. Not CCR sponsored.
10/4/2009– NE Air Museum 50th Anniversary Celebration (see their website). Not CCR sponsored.
10/9/2009- Hershey Flea Market & Car Show. Flea market 10/7-9, car show 10/10. Pizza 10/9/09 at Paul Bosco’s site CH 68-71. Always a great time at Hershey.
10/17/2009 – Klingberg Antique Car Show, New Britain, CT. Always a great show. Not CCR sponsored.
11/14/2009- Black Horse Restoration, Bpt, CT on a Sat. morning. Open house, see website.
12/10/2009- Annual Election of Officers and Pizza Party, Elk’s Club, Hartford, CT. Lou Maglaty, Ray Yirga.
Ideas for meeting places always welcomed. Call Ray at 651-9893. Thanks