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BY-LAWS ARTICLE I - NAME and PURPOSE Section 1. This organization shall be known as the Central Connecticut Region, hereinafter “Region” of the Antique Automobile Club of America, hereinafter “AACA”. Section 2. The purpose of this Region shall be to supplement the activities of the AACA; the preservation and enjoyment of self-propelled antique vehicles; the conduct of meetings, tours and programs relating to the development and history of automotive vehicles. Section 3. The Region emblem shall be a facsimile of a Pope-Hartford automobile with the inscription “Central Connecticut Region – AACA.”
ARTICLE II - BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 1. The Board of Directors, hereinafter “Board”, shall consist of the present officers of the Region, the immediate Past President, and a minimum of six (6) other members to serve as follows: 2 Directors to serve 3 years each 2 Directors to serve 2 years each 2 Directors to serve 1 year each. Any members in addition to the six (6) specified above shall serve one (1) year term. A Director may serve more than one (1) term if so elected by the membership. To qualify for consideration as a Director, a member must be in good standing in both the AACA and the Region, and have good attendance. Section 2. The Board shall have the power to proceed in any manner as they, in their judgment, serve the best interests of the Region. The decision of a majority of the Directors present on any question shall be binding. A minimum of six (6) Directors, including at least two officers must be present during any vote by the Board to be valid. Section 3. The Board shall have the responsibility for the preparation of any suggested changes to the Region By-Laws. Section 4. Any vacancy occurring in the Board shall be filled by vote of the remaining Directors. (Refer to Section 2. above). The Director so elected shall serve for the unexpired term of his/her predecessor. Section 5. Any member may serve on the Board of Directors. To be an accepted member of the Board, the member must be approved by the Board. Section 6. Any member’s name can be removed from the membership list by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. (refer to section 2 above) 1. (of 4) ARTICLE III - OFFICERS Section 1. The elected officers of this Region shall be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Said officers shall hold office for one year from the date of the election or until their successors are duly elected. In order to qualify for one of the officer positions, an individual must be a member in good standing in AACA and this Region. A vacancy in any office shall be filled by a vote of the Board as noted in ARTICLE II, Section 2. Section 2. The schedule for election of officers shall be at the next regular meeting of the Region, following the meeting in which a slate of officers is presented to the membership. On the day of the election, nominations are also allowed from the floor. ARTICLE IV - DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section 1. President – The President shall preside at all meetings of the Region and of the Board. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall preside. If both the President and the Vice President are absent, the Board may appoint a temporary President to officiate. The President may appoint such standing or special committees from time to time as deemed desirable or necessary. The President shall appoint all committee chairpersons. A temporary President shall have the power to decide all questions of equal division and power and duties usually vested in the President of an organization. Section 2. Vice President -- The Vice President shall act as the President in the absence of the President. Section 3. Secretary – The Secretary shall handle all official correspondence of the Region and shall keep minutes of meetings of the Region and the Board. The Secretary shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board and those that pertain to said office. Section 4. Treasurer -- a. The Treasurer shall collect and disburse all funds of the Region as may be ordered by the Board. b. The Treasurer shall render a financial report at the Annual Meeting of members and whenever the President and/or the Board may require the same. The Treasurer shall be bonded at the expense of the Region if required to do so by the Board. c. The Treasurer shall collect all dues payable by Region members. Any payment of AACA dues included with a member’s annual Region dues shall be forwarded to the AACA with proper accounting. d. The Treasurer shall inform the Board (on an annual basis) and no later than the February Board meeting of any/all individuals who have failed to pay the current year’s AACA and Region dues. e. The Treasurer is authorized to expend up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.) for individual expenses authorized by the President. For expenditures exceeding the above stated amount, a vote of the Board is required. 2. (of 4) f. Any requests for disbursement must be accompanied by an invoice or a bonifide receipt for an expenditure made by a member. Section 5. Any officer of the Region may be removed for cause based on a two-thirds vote of all members of the Board. ARTICLE V -- MEMBERS Section 1. Members in good standing in the AACA are eligible for consideration for membership as members of the Region. Section 2. Upon execution of a properly executed application for Region membership and upon presentation of a current AACA membership card or a properly executed application (with accompanying applicable fee) for the AACA, a new member may be accepted or rejected by the Board based upon the recommendation of the Membership Committee, if one exists. Section 3. Dues – The amount of dues payable annually to the Region Treasurer shall be fixed as determined by the Board. The Board may solicit input from the membership, but the vote of the Board is final. Section 4. Termination of membership – The membership of any Region member may be terminated for conduct unbecoming a member of the AACA or other cause by a two-thirds vote of the Board present at a special meeting of the Board called by the President, or at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. A member will be afforded ample opportunity to hear and reply to the charges or reasons for suggested termination. Additionally, any member whose AACA and Region dues are not paid by January 31st shall be dropped from the Region rolls, unless extenuating circumstances exist as determined by the Board. ARTICLE VI -- MEETING OF THE MEMBERS Section 1. Region members shall hold at least one meeting annually (Annual Meeting) for the election of officers and to transact necessary business of the Region. Special meetings may be called by the President or upon a majority vote of the Board. Written notice, email, or telephone communication shall be provided to Region and/or Board members, as applicable, of all meetings of the Region or the Board. Section 2. The annual election of officers, including the Board require a vote of the membership as specified in Article VI, Section 3. Section 3. For purposes of conducting business at the Annual Meeting or any special meeting of the Region, twenty-five percent (25%) of the membership that are present at the meeting shall constitute a quorum. A vote of the majority of said assembled quorum shall be sufficient to approve any action requiring a membership vote. 3. (of 4) ARTICLE VII -- REGION REQUIREMENTS OF AACA Section 1. The members of any region shall not, as a group, use the name of the Antique Automobile Club of America in connection with a commercial or charitable project. Section 2. A Region or its Chapters shall not hold any activity in conflict with an AACA event of the Antique Automobile Club of America. Section 3. Announcements of major Region activities must be sent to the AACA Vice President – National Activities. Section 4. The names and addresses of all Region officers and members must be sent to the AACA Secretary-Treasurer each year within thirty (30) calendar days after a local election is held. Section 5. The Antique Automobile Club of America is a nonprofit organization; the members thereof including the members of this Region shall not be entitled to any individual or collective interest, participation, share, right and/or property right, in and to the assets of the AACA or Region; but such assets shall be the indivisible property of the AACA or Region thereof; no dividends, pecuniary profits, stock dividends or payments of like manner shall ever be declared or paid to the members of the AACA or Regions thereof. ARTICLE VIII -- CHAPTERS Section 1. Upon compliance with the requirements of the AACA Board of Directors, one or more Chapters may be formed, as circumstances dictate, within the geographic area of a Region. Section 2. The members of every Chapter shall be members in good standing of the AACA and the parent Region. Each Chapter shall be under the jurisdiction of the Region President unless special exception is authorized by the AACA Board of Directors. ARTICLE IX -- AMENDMENTS OR ADDITIONS TO BY-LAWS Section 1. No amendments shall be made to Region By-Laws that nullify or alter any part of the AACA constitution or its By-Laws. Section 2. Any proposed amendments or additions to the Region By-Laws must be presented to the membership in good standing one month before any scheduled vote on said changes. Section 3. In order for any change in the Region By-Laws to become effective, a quorum, consisting of a minimum of twenty-five percent (25%) of the membership must be present to vote. A majority vote is required for passage by the assembled group. Subject: New
CT Traffic Law 2010 (A Must Read) Charitable Contributions for 2015 As most of you know, each year we donate a portion of our net proceeds from our car show net profits. Below is a list of organizations receiving contributions in 2015. This year the club is giving $2,600 to charities, with input from the membership and the BOD. St
Francis/Mt. Sinai Cancer Center _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ An article of interest - Please click HERE for an interesting article on Dick Fuchs '72 Mustang.